What did Jesus eat? Was Jesus a Vegetarian?

An image of a brown menu laying on a table.

What did Jesus eat? Was Jesus a vegetarian or was he a meat eater?

Jesus Was Not A Vegetarian

As one who celebrated the Passover annually (Luke 2:41), Jesus can quickly be ruled out as being a vegetarian. During this time a lamb was killed and eaten as part of the Passover meal each year. In the following scriptures Jesus instructs Peter and John to make preparations for them to eat the Passover. One who eats lamb is not a vegetarian.

(Luke 22:7-8) Then came the day of Unleavened Bread on which the Passover lamb had to be sacrificed. Jesus sent Peter and John, saying, “Go and make preparations for us to eat the Passover.”

If this doesn’t make it clear enough, we also find in the Bible where Jesus was also a consumer of fish.

(Luke 24:42-43) They gave him a piece of broiled fish, and he took it and ate it in their presence.

What Else Did Jesus Eat Besides Meat?


(Luke 24:30) When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them.

Butter and Honey

In the Old Testament we are told of two things that Jesus would eat, butter and honey.

(Isaiah 7:15) Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good. KJB


In (Mark 11:12-14) the Bible says Jesus was hungry and noticed a fig tree as he and his disciples were leaving Bethany. When he went to the tree and found no figs on it, he put a curse on the tree and caused it to wither. He didn’t get any fruit from this tree, but we do learn that Jesus was a fruit eater.

Other Foods Jesus Most Likely Ate

Since the Bible gives us very little information as to the specific foods that Jesus’ diet consisted of, another way to ask the question would be, “What did Jesus most likely eat?” A study of the culture and time that Jesus lived in can help us to make some good educated guesses as to other foods he likely ate.

Other items on the menu for Jesus probably included almonds, beans, lentils, dates, pomegranates, olives, any number of other fruits, as well as vegetables and nuts that were popular in the culture at that time. Sounds like a pretty healthy diet to me!

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