What is the Most Mentioned City in the Bible?

Image of Jerusalem  the most mentioned city in the Bible

The number of times a city’s name appears in the Bible depends on the translation of the Bible being read. For our purposes we will use the King James Version. We have listed the most mentioned city in the Bible, along with five other cities that make up the 6 most mentioned cities in the Bible.

The Most Mentioned City In The Bible

1. Jerusalem (811 times)

The city of Jerusalem is by far the most mentioned city in the Bible. As one of the oldest cities in the world, this sacred city appears in the Scriptures over 800 times.

2. Babylon (286)

Babylon comes in a distant second with a total of 286 times.

3. Jericho (64)

The ancient city of Jericho, located North of the Dead Sea, gets the third place title for most referred to cities in the Scriptures.

4. Sodom (48)

The wicked city of Sodom and it’s destruction are referred to numerous times in the Bible, 48 times to be exact.

5. Bethlehem (39)

Bethlehem appears 39 times in the King James Version of the Bible. In the New King James Version the city is referred to 49 times. It goes up to 51 times in the (NIV).

6. Nazareth (29)

The city of Nazareth was the hometown of Joseph and Mary. (Luke 2:39)

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