Who was Eutychus in the Bible?

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The Greek name Eutychus means one of good fortune. His name has an interesting meaning considering what happened to him. He will forever be remembered for being the young man in the Bible who fell asleep in church. While all of us church going regulars can probably recall watching someone trying to stay awake in church, it’s likely that none of us have ever seen anyone pay the price that this young fellow paid for dozing during the preaching.

Eutychus makes only one brief but unforgettable appearance in the Bible. It began with Paul’s visit to the city of Troas in (Acts 20). On the first day of the week the believers had gathered to share in the Lord’s Supper. Paul was preaching to them and was going long with this particular sermon because he was going to be leaving the next day. The Bible says he was still talking at midnight. (Acts 20:7)

Eutychus Falls to His Death

Eutychus was among those there this particular night. Of all the places to be sitting during the preaching, he was seated in a third story windowsill. As Paul continued speaking Eutychus fell asleep, and then fell from his perch to his death three stories below (Acts 20:9). What happened next was miraculous to say the least.

Raised From The Dead

The Scriptures say Paul went down to where Eutychus had fallen, bent over him, and took him in his arms saying to everyone, “Don’t worry, he’s alive!” This was one of the ten times someone was raised from the dead in the Bible.

After this miracle from God, everyone went back upstairs and ate together as Paul continued talking to them until dawn. Something tells me most likely no one else fell asleep the rest of that night. After Paul left, the young man was taken home alive to everyone’s relief. (Acts 20:10-12)

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