Who created God? Where did God come from?

Image of the text "Who Created God?"
“Who created God?” or “Where did God come from?” These types of questions often follow after the question, “How can I know God exists?”

First, you have to come to the conclusion that there must have been a Creator who made everything. If there is no Creator, then everything we see around us would had to have just appeared from nothing. Once you understand that something can’t come from nothing, the question of “Who created God?” becomes easier to deal with.

When trying to wrap our human minds around the fact that God has always been, you come to realize that he operates on a whole different level than we do. It has been said that God didn’t come from anywhere because there is nowhere that God has never been.

As humans we are limited to time and think of things in days and years. The Bible says in (2 Peter 3:8) “With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.” With this scripture we can understand how he is not limited to our time and space. We are talking about a Creator who spoke everything into existence.

Something Or Someone Has Always Had To Exist

Some will ask “How can you believe something like that?” If you think about it, something or someone has always had to exist. So let’s say you don’t believe it is a creative God that has always existed. Then you have to believe the atoms, particles, and matter that some scientists talk about in their theories of how we began have always existed. I would then have to ask you, “Where did those atoms and particles come from?” In the universe we live in and the laws of nature that we go by, something can’t come from nothing.

Nobody Created God, He’s Eternal

At this point you have to look outside of our universe to find a cause. In (Romans 1:20), Paul writes about God’s eternal power. Eternal is defined as existing forever, or without beginning or end. An eternal Creator that has always been makes a lot more sense than the alternative. While he has chosen not to reveal to us what happened before he created the universe as we know it, he has told us in his word that, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”. (Genesis 1:1)

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