Who was Matthias in the Bible?

A cartoon image of a man from the Bible days that represents Matthias.

Matthias, whose name means “gift of Yahweh”, was the man chosen to replace Judas Iscariot after Judas betrayed Jesus and then hung himself. We learn all that can be known about Matthias, at least as far as what the Bible has to say about him, from (Acts 1) in the New Testament.

In (Acts 1:15) the Bible says Peter stood up among the believers (about 120). He tells them the Scripture had to be fulfilled concerning Judas, that it was predicted long ago by the Holy Spirit, speaking through King David. He goes on to tell of how Judas was “one of us” who shared in their ministry with them, how he had bought a field with the money he received for his wickedness, and how he died in that field. (Acts 1:15-19)

Requirements For The Replacement

Peter continues, “This was written in the book of Psalms, where it says, “Let his home become desolate, with no one living in it.” It also says, “Let someone else take his position.” In saying this he is referring to choosing a replacement for Judas. According to Peter they were to choose from among the men who had been with them the entire time they had been traveling with Jesus. This would be from the time Jesus was baptized, until the very day he was taken up from them. It was a requirement that the replacement must be a witness of the resurrection. (Acts 1:19-22)

Two Men Nominated, Matthias Is Chosen

Two men were nominated for this honor. One was Joseph (Barsabbas or Justus) and the other was Matthias. With prayer the apostles asked the Lord to show them which of the two men he had chosen to take the place of Judas. The Bible says they cast lots and the lot fell to Matthias. (Acts 1:23-26)

What Happened To Matthias

After the selection of Matthias to be the replacement for Judas, there is no mention of him again in the Bible. Tradition says that he preached the Gospel at Cappadocia, Judaea, and on the coast of the Caspian Sea.

There are different traditions as to how he died. One has him being stoned to death after preaching in Aethiopia. Another tradition says he was stoned and beheaded by the Jews in Jerusalem. According to theologian Hippolytus of Rome, Matthias died of old age in Jerusalem.

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