What Happened To Lazarus After Jesus Raised Him From The Dead?

While many of us who were raised in Sunday school and attend Church regularly are very familiar with the story of how Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11:1-44), how many know of what happened to him after he was resurrected?

A Popular Individual

As you can imagine, being raised from the dead caused Lazarus to become a popular individual who many wanted to come see. These people were becoming believers in Jesus after he raised Lazarus up, along with numerous other miracles he was performing. It would be hard not to believe after seeing him resurrect a man who had been dead for four days.

Fearing that everyone would become believers in Jesus, the Jewish leaders began plotting to kill not only Jesus, but Lazarus as well. (John 11:46-53) (John 12:9-11)

Dinner At Lazarus’ House

There is very little written in the Bible about Lazarus after his resurrection. We are told that after his exit from the grave, Jesus went to his home for a dinner that had been prepared in honor of the Lord. Lazarus was among those who ate with him (John 12:1-2). This is last time we read about the whereabouts of Lazarus in the Bible.

His Second Death

There is no mention in the Scriptures of how Lazarus died his second death. Based on information from outside of the Bible, one of the more popular traditions holds that he went to Cyprus and was appointed as the bishop of Kition. It is said he lived there for thirty years before he died a second time of natural causes.

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