Will Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency be the One-World Currency of the End-Times?

Bitcoin  one-world currency

Bitcoin is by far the most popular, as well as the most valuable cryptocurrency in the world. Other popular virtual currencies include Ethereum, Solana, and Dogecoin. These are just a few of the hundreds of different cryptocurrencies. Will one of these cryptocurrencies be the one-world currency of the end-times?

The Mark Of The Beast

The Bible says that in the end-times everyone small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, will be required to take a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. Those who do not receive this mark will not be able to buy or sell anything without it (Revelation 13:16-17).

Only time will tell if the Mark of the Beast will involve Bitcoin, or some other form of cryptocurrency as being the one-world currency that will allow people to buy or sell, but it’s certainly possible. Even before cryptocurrencies came upon the scene, our society was already well on its way to becoming the cashless society that will make it possible to implement the Mark of the Beast. The debit and credit cards most of us have in our wallets and purses today have been replacing cash for years.

It’s not hard to envision how this end-time scenario could unfold with the technology that already exists today. Stories can already be found of people who have implanted chips in their hands that have Bitcoin wallets in the chips. While no one knows exactly what the Mark of the Beast will be, things like cryptocurrencies, along with the ability to implant chips in the hands of people, will most likely play a part in the coming end-time events.

Should Christians Be Involved With Cryptocurrency?

Some Christians have expressed concerns about becoming involved with cryptocurrency due to its potential of becoming the one-world currency of the end-times. Many people were also hesitant to go from cash to cards because of these same concerns. There are still some who prefer to use cash or checks.

There is no denying our world has been transitioning from physical cash transactions to a digital buy and sell process for years. Crypto is just another step in that direction. Whether you choose to buy and sell today using cash, a debit card, or even a Bitcoin wallet, your not going to prevent the end-time Mark of the Beast event from coming to pass. It has been foretold in the Bible.

It’s not the ones who choose to use Bitcoin in it’s current form to buy and sell that will be doomed. However, there is coming a time when people will be given a choice to take the Mark of the Beast to be able buy and sell anything. People will not take this mark by accident, they will know what they are choosing. Exactly when and in what form this will be, only God knows.

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