Why did God create Mosquitoes?

A mosquito on a finger that represents the question "Why did God create mosquitoes?"

If it was put to a vote as to what the most hated insect in the world is, mosquitoes would certainly rank near the top. These annoying little pests make it very difficult to enjoy God’s beautiful outdoors during warm summer evenings. They buzz in your ears, bite you, make you itch, and spread harmful diseases. Have you ever wondered to yourself, “Why did God create mosquitoes?”

With questions such as this one, we have to keep in mind that the world we live in now is not the same as it was in its original state that God created. In (Genesis 1:31), when God saw all that he made, the Bible says it was very good. These little blood sucking creatures that we live with today were not a problem for Adam and Eve in the perfect world that God created in the beginning.

The Eating Habits Of Mosquitoes Have Changed

In (Genesis 1:30) we are told that in God’s original creation, everything that had the breath of life in it, including our little friends the mosquitoes, ate plants for food. It wasn’t until Adam and Eve disobeyed God that sin was brought into the world, along with a curse that began affecting the rest of creation (Genesis 3:17). This apparently included the eating habits of female mosquitoes. The fact that these females went from vegetarians only, to part-time blood drinkers is just another sign of the damaging effects that sin has had on this world.

Vegetarian Mosquitoes In Heaven

If you have ever took a walk in the woods on one of those warm summer evenings, you would think a mosquitoes only source of food comes from the blood they get from their unfortunate victims. In actuality, all adult mosquitoes today feed on the nectar of plants, just as it was in the beginning. It is only the females who now come looking for blood when needed. This is due to their need of protein for laying eggs.

It’s just one more reason we have to look forward to heaven. If there are mosquitoes in heaven, I have a feeling they will be returned to their original vegetarian status.

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