Did the Twelve Disciples have Children?

The Bible makes no reference to the twelve disciples having children. Even so, it is very possible that at least some of twelve apostles did have kids. We know from Scripture that the Apostle Peter was married because he had a mother-in-law (Mathew 8:14). Most likely a few of the other disciples were married as … Read more

Is Dental Care and Toothbrushing in the Bible?

Welcome to another one of those interesting Bible questions. Does the Bible say anything about dental care? Job did say, “My breath is offensive to my wife” (Job:19:17), so we know they had their moments of bad breath problems. Did they have toothbrushes to brush their teeth with like we do today? (Proverbs 25:19) says … Read more

What is the deal with Christians and Restaurant Rage?

For true Christians, this is not a question that should have to be asked. Unfortunately, it is as believers that many of us have observed the reasons why this topic has to be dealt with. How should Christians be acting and behaving in restaurants? Why do some self-proclaimed Christians have “Restaurant Rage”? Christians In Church, … Read more

What are some Funny Bible Verses and Scriptures?

We can all use a good laugh! The Bible does say, “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine” (Proverbs 17:22). So with that being said, what are some funny Bible verses and scriptures to provide us with some of that much needed medicine. Funny Bible Verses (Numbers 22:28) Then the LORD opened the donkey’s mouth, and … Read more

What does the Bible say about Snake Handling?

What does the Bible say about snake handling? Is it a Biblical practice? The practice of snake handling can be traced back to a man named George Hensley and the Appalachian region of the U.S. around 1910. Fortunately, the amount of people who claimed to be snake handling Christians then, and today, are small in … Read more

Are Unicorns in the Bible?

Unicorns are indeed found in the Bible, but only in the King James Version. The original Hebrew word re’em was translated into the Greek word monokeros (meaning one horned) in the Septuagint. The Latin version used the word unicornis. When the King James Version came along, they used the word unicorn for their translation. It … Read more

What is the World’s Smallest Bible?

Oh the wonders of technology! The creative minds that God has given the human race has produced so many amazing things, including the world’s smallest Bible. The Nano Bible The Nano Bible is considered to be the smallest Bible in the world. It is a tiny microchip the size of a grain of sugar in … Read more

Did Jesus Sing in the Bible?

For you songbirds out there who want to know if the Bible ever mentions anything about Jesus singing, the answer is yes. Admittingly, this is one of those questions that very few of us have probably ever thought to ask. However, now that we know the answer is yes, let’s take a look at where exactly … Read more

Why did God take Enoch and Elijah to Heaven without them Dying?

Why did God take Enoch and Elijah to heaven without them dying? There is a common quote that says nothing is certain in this world except death and taxes. The Bible even says it is appointed unto each person once to die (Hebrews 9:27). As for Enoch and Elijah from the Old Testament, death never … Read more

Why do we say “God Bless You” when someone Sneezes?

One person sneezes. Another person says, “God bless you.” The person who sneezed says thank you. It is a routine that has lasted for many generations. Why do we say “God bless you” when someone sneezes? Most of us are familiar with saying these words when someone sneezes, but how many of us have ever … Read more

Did John the Baptist really eat Locusts?

Locusts are large insects that are also known as grasshoppers. The Bible says John the Baptist had a diet that consisted of locusts and wild honey (Mark 1:6). The wild honey doesn’t sound so bad, but did he really eat grasshoppers? Locusts were among the foods that were allowed to be eaten under the Law … Read more

What are the Most Funny and Unusual Names in the Bible?

What are the most funny and unusual names in the Bible? The Bible Answer The Bible provides us with so many interesting things, including some very funny and unusual names of people. The following is our list of the Top Ten most funny and unusual names in the Bible. If most are being honest, after … Read more

What was Bible Archaeology’s Top Discovery of 2016: A Toilet?

What was Bible Archaeology’s top discovery of 2016? Was it really a toilet? A number of discoveries in Bible archaeology could win the top spot for 2016. Even so, due to the uniqueness and somewhat interesting characteristics of the winner, our nod goes to damaged alters and a toilet. Yes, you did read that right. … Read more

Were any of the Disciples Married?

When you think about the twelve disciples, the thought of Jesus’ disciples being married isn’t something we often associate with these individuals. It’s an interesting question that is sometimes asked. Were any of the disciples married? Does the Bible say if any of the apostles ever said “I do”? The Disciple Peter Was Married Although … Read more