What is the deal with Christians and Restaurant Rage?

For true Christians, this is not a question that should have to be asked. Unfortunately, it is as believers that many of us have observed the reasons why this topic has to be dealt with. How should Christians be acting and behaving in restaurants? Why do some self-proclaimed Christians have “Restaurant Rage”?

Christians In Church, Devils In The Restaurant

I am certainly not alone when saying I have been out to eat with people who profess to be Christians, and yet they manage to act like a bunch of devils when they are sitting in a restaurant. It has perplexing how someone could act so differently from the time they walk out of the church doors until the time they step foot into an eating establishment.

You know the ones. They didn’t receive their food in a timely manner, so they start hollering for the manager to give them there meal for free. How about when their drink is almost empty before they get a refill. It is at this point these supposed Christians feel they have the right to treat their server in the rudest way possible. They then top it off by leaving no tip for the server who had to put up with them. Sound familiar?

Just as road rage seems to overcome some otherwise decent people when they are sitting behind a wheel, bad behavior appears to get the best of some church going folks when they are sitting at restaurant tables.

While I have personally heard this issue being addressed by pastors and preachers from across the pulpit numerous times (particularly towards the non-tippers), many sitting in the congregation still do not seem to be getting the message. How you act toward others goes a long way in showing how sincere you are about being a soul winner.

You Will Know A True Christian By Their Fruit

(Mathew 7:16) You can identify them by their fruit, that is, by the way they act. Can you pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? (NLV)

A person can claim to be a follower of Christ all they want, but not having the ability to go into an eating establishment without having a temper tantrum can cause a lot of doubt about someone’s claim being sincere. As (Mathew 7:16) says, you will be identified by your fruit, or in other words, the way you act. If your acting like a grape in Church, and then a thorn bush at the restaurant, you aren’t fooling anyone but yourself.

Those who never decide to become a Christian have many reasons and excuses to try and justify their decisions. How should it make a “Restaurant Raged Christian” feel to be the reason a waiter/waitress will never step foot in a Church House because of your rude behavior while they waited on you? That mistreated waiter often has no desire to ever go to Church with what they think is a place filled with people just like the rude Christian customer whom they just waited on.

Your Rage Is Being Watched

As Christians we are being watched. Other customers in these eating establishments notice how we are acting. If you are one who can routinely claim to be guilty of “Restaurant Rage”, do your fellow Church members a favor and learn how to act decent in public. Your an embarrassment to yourself and to those of us who take our faith serious. Be sure to leave a decent tip as well. That waiter/waitress has earned it having to put up with you.

For those of us who really want to win souls, we shouldn’t have to deal with your bad behavior as one more obstacle that has to be dealt with when trying to win people to God.

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