Interesting Bible Facts

A blue cartoon splash face with a surprised, interesting look on it's face that represents interesting Bible facts.

The Bible is the most interesting book you will ever read! Take a look at the following list of interesting Bible facts.

Did You Know That….

1. Over 100 million Bibles are sold or given away each year.

2. The Bible is said to be the most stolen book of all time.

3. Job’s wife told him he had bad breath? (Job 19:17) My breath is offensive to my wife.

4. God revealed many scientific facts in the Bible hundreds of years before these facts could be proven.

5. Lord is the most common noun in the Bible.

6. The oldest person in the Bible was Methuselah at 969 years old.

7. Jesus is the most mentioned name in the Bible, followed by David and Moses.

8. Sarah is the most mentioned woman in the Bible.

9. Jacob was hard-headed. He used a stone for a pillow. (Genesis 28:11)

10. Sheep are the most mentioned animal in the Bible.

11. Solomon took almost twice as long to build his palace (13 years) as he did to build God’s Temple (7 years).

12. You will live longer if you honor your father and mother. (Exodus 20:12)

13. Enoch and Elijah never died. God took the two without them experiencing death.

14. Balaam had a conversation with his donkey. (Numbers 22:28-30)

15. King Solomon had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines.

16. The entire Bible can be read in 70 hours.

17. The word Christian is in the Bible three times.

18. The word trinity is not in the Bible.

19. A man named Dodo. (Judges 10:1)

20. A woman named Dorcas (Acts 9:36)

21. The Bible never says there were three wise men, only three gifts. (Mathew 2:1, 2:11)

22. Delilah was not the one who shaved off Samson’s hair. (Judges 16:19)

23. The Bible was written over a period of 1500 years by approximately 40 men.

24. Rehoboam had 88 children. (2 Chronicles 11:21)

25. The complete Bible has been translated into over 554 languages.

26. A majority of scholars believe Job is the oldest book in the Bible, written around 1500 BC.

27. Revelation is the youngest book in the Bible, written about 95 AD.

28. Moses holds the title for most words written in the Bible.

29. Luke wrote the most words in the New Testament.

30. The Bible talks about dinosaurs.

Any More Interesting Bible Facts?

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