Should Christians celebrate Halloween?

An image of a tree in the darkness with the moonlight in the background that represents the question "Should Christians celebrate Halloween?"
Halloween is a very special day among Satan worshipers and for those who practice witchcraft. A little research on the subject will prove this to be true for anyone who doubts such a statement. Just google the word Halloween and take a look at the images that come up. If such a day is so celebrated among those who follow Satan, this should raise a big red flag for those who are looking for an answer to the question, “Should Christians celebrate Halloween?”

Celtic Origins

The Celtic origins of Halloween are pagan to the very core. Practices such as the wearing of costumes, trick-or-treating, and even the use of a jack-o-lantern to ward off evil spirits, they all have their ties to dark pagan traditions. The modern version of the Halloween holiday is very much based on these traditions involving the spirit world and the souls of the dead.

What Is Being Celebrated On Halloween?

As it is with all holidays, something obvious is being celebrated. Christmas is all about the birth of Jesus. On Easter we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And so it goes with Memorial Day, Labor Day, and Thanksgiving. They all have a theme.

One doesn’t have to look very hard to figure out the theme and what is being celebrated on Halloween. Way before the October 31st so-called holiday arrives, you will begin to notice decorations in stores and in front yards that includes witches, devils, ghost, zombies, and many other things associated with darkness and the spirit world.

While many choose to overlook the obvious meaning behind Halloween in the name of having a little innocent fun, Christians should never associate themselves with celebrations that promote nothing but evil and darkness. Often times people like to ask, “What will it hurt?” Sometimes we need to ask, “What goodness is there in doing it?”

Thou Shalt Not Celebrate Halloween

There are many things and situations in life that, although you will not find a Scripture that says thou shalt not, you will find a Biblical principle that does apply.

While the Bible does not say the exact words, “Thou shalt not celebrate Halloween”, it does say we are to have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather we are to expose them (Ephesians 5:11).

The following verses in Deuteronomy lists a number of things that are detestable to the Lord, including those who practice witchcraft and spiritist. Everything mentioned in these verses can be found to be celebrated in some form or another on Halloween.

(Deuteronomy 18:10-12) Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD; because of these same detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you.

Just Skip The Trick Or Treating And Go Buy You Some Candy

So should Christians celebrate Halloween? Because it will cause them to be associating with darkness and those who are detestable to the Lord, skipping the trick-or-treating and just buying some candy at the store would be the better choice. No tricks, just treats!

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3 thoughts on “Should Christians celebrate Halloween?”

  1. I have Ben totally against this day when I first accepted Jesus Christ. I am struggling with a church I attend on magicians/illuninst. I read your article but it’s almost like any church one attends there is always something disagreeable.

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